Wednesday, August 24, 2011


I am finally back at school and that means I will be blogging more than I did over the summer.

So I have been down at school now at my new apartment for about 1.5 weeks and I am loving the place. However, there has been some ups and downs since I have been here.

Of course, one of the positive sides of being back down at school is seeing and hanging out with friends that I have made over the years down at school. It was nice to know some many people and have things to do. I remember back to freshmen year knowing no one and now I have an amazing group of close friends and a bunch of other friends that I made through class, my major and just randomly meeting. It is a great feeling and it is weird to think that after this year I will be done with school... well, unless I go back for my Masters.

To add to the positive side, I secured a job the first few weeks of school working at TIS (a bookstore) during the rush/busy part of the year. I have been doing everything from collecting book bags at the door, help bagging items for the cashiers and being on register. It isn't the best job in the world, but it is money and it is fun people watching.

However, not everything has been so bright and cheering since I have been down at school. Last Tuesday on the way to work I was driving in and I stopped as the traffic in front of be were because of the light. So I started to brake and I came to a complete stop. A few seconds after I came to a stop I was jolted forward as I heard brakes squealing. At first I was in shock, but then I became extremely pissed off with the person who ran into me. I was directed to pull off to the side of the road into an animal clinic/hospital parking lot by a man who witness the accident. There in the lot I got out and talked to the guy who hit me. His vehicle was not as severely damaged as mine though. It was hard dealing with the situation because this guy kept crying and pacing around the lot. I just sat there waiting for him to calm down so I can talk to him and get information. I called the cops to inform them I needed someone to come down to file a report. It took the police 40 minutes to get there. WAY TO GO MUNCIE POLICE! There everything was taking care of. However, I wasn't able to go to work because the accident and police report took way to long and the biggest reason was that it was too dangerous to drive my car to work and back. Even though it was just down the road.

The next day I woke up and my neck, right shoulder and upper back was in pain. Throughout the whole day I had to deal with this. I just relaxed at my apartment until I had to go to work, which I had to take the bus. However, this was the day all the freshmen were moving in. So traffic was chaotic and you had to wait in traffic patiently. Apparently the bus driver did not have any as she bi-passed all of campus and ended up going down some back roads. Everyone in the bus was so confused on what was going on. I left my place one hour to get to work because I knew traffic was going to be a mess, but the bus just added to things. Luckily I was able to get off the bus around Muncie Central High School, but with only 20 minutes to get to work. So I ran a bit and then walked my way to work. Luckily I got there with a few minutes to spare.

Work way fine, but my body was still sore. After work I made it back home safely, but then I had to call my friends Adam and Amanda up to take me to the emergency room to get things checked out. I told them I would call them when I was done because I had no clue on how long things would take. I ended up waiting 2.5 hours before getting seen and I was at the hospital for 4.5 hours overall. While there I had some tests done and some x-rays. Nothing was wrong, but just extremely sore muscles. They prescribed me for some muscle relaxers and another medication. The drawback of them is that they make me drozy and tired. Nothing like being wore out before school even starts. I am currently still on the medication and the pain is slightly going away, but it still hurts now and then. Luckily it is no where near what it was like when I went in to the emergency room.

So school started this past Monday and so far I am going to like my classes. Some of them are going to be differently and others are going to push me, but I am looking forward to them. All of my professors have my attention and they are not boring or draining... yet.

Then there was yesterday. After classes and getting a quick bit to eat, I headed to Northwestern High School in Kokomo, Indiana. There I was to meet up with my friend Matt. He referenced me to the band director there to go ahead and teach the guard in the marching band. After lasts night practice, well... I can't wait to go back. They guard was great and they can be amazing! I am so fortunate to have been ask to teach there and I can wait to go back and get things going. Here is a clip of them last year. This show is from Semi-State where they made the top 10 and went to State the following weekend. At State they placed 6th place!!!

So overall these past 1.5 weeks I have had highs and lows, but hey... that's life. You either play the game or get plowed over. Life will go on with or without you. As the title of this blog states: I WILL SURVIVE!!!

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