Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Getting My Drum Corps Body Without Drum Corps

So we all know that I am not marching corps this summer... (ya, you are probably getting tired of me talking about it)

There are a many things people enjoy about marching corps. You have the traveling and seeing new places, performing every day (shows or practice), getting that drum corps tan from being outside all day, but probably the most talked about part of corps is how your body transforms into this captivating and stunning body. It all starts at the first camp from just the little things. Once move ins start/spring training starts, the body is kicked into top gear and the body really starts to transform. Well, hopefully your body was already in shape before the season started. There is even a Facebook group dedicated to showing off what corps can do to your body.

But back to reality... Since I am not marching this summer, I have set myself up a work out regiment from now til I move in to school. That gives me roughly two and a half months to get what I would of had if I marched this summer.

So far I started mt work out today at 9 a.m. and I got done around 11:30ish. I just wish that it will stop storming out so I can go for a run or bike... But that can come later.

Anyways, but the time summer ends and school picks up again I will have my corps body back, but without the drum corps.

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